?The second symposium followed by the last year’s attracted around 100 participants including high school students and citizens. ?We discussed our local-oriented collaborations with Lurio University that have been developed over the recent years.
? ?In the first program of the symposium, President Yuichi Ohashi addressed in his opening remarks that Ehime University has accepted many Mozambicans through ‘African Business Education Initiative for Youth’ (ABE Initiative), opened its satellite office on the campus of Lurio University and sent its staff every year to the satellite office. Following the opening remarks, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Mozambique to Japan, Mr. Jose Morais, made a keynote speech. He mentioned that this year marks the 40th anniversary of diplomacy between Japan and Mozambique, and that Japan is one of the most important partners for Mozambique and showed his expect to Ehime University.
- Group photo of the presenters
- Keynote Speech by H.E.Mr. Jose Morais, Mozambiquan Ambassador to Japan
? ?In the second session, Mr. Marassiro, Dean of Faculty of Agricultural Science of Lurio University, and Ms. Veronica, Lecturer of Faculty of Health Science of Lurio University, explained their situations and on-going curriculum. Lurio University has implemented ‘One Student One Family’ program where all students enter into the communities to support local people around the Campus. Ms. Veronica showed some cases of the program which improved community health situation by the students’ activities for eradicating malaria and bacteria-caused diseases. Then, the site visit to Lurio University including ‘One Student One Family’ program was reported by Dr. Yuka Saeki, Professor of Madical School?of Ehime University. At the end of this session, Dr. Hideyuki Kurita, Associate Professor of Asia-Africa Center of Ehime University reported on three collaboration projects which have been planned or implemented through the satellite office. He emphasized that the projects are based on a notion of sharing, with Ehime University, which has comprehensive knowledge and experience as a local-oriented university.
- Presentation by Ms. Veronica, lecturer of Lurio University
- Q&A session
? ?In the last session, Ms. Akemi Suto, Deputy Director of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Mr. Hiromichi Morishita, Deputy Director of JICA, commented on the 40th anniversary of diplomacy and remarkable presence of Ehime University as well as challenges of Lurio University and our collaboration programs.
- Meeting at Fac. of Agriculture
- In Ehime University Hospital
? ?In the last session, Ms. Akemi Suto, Deputy Director of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Mr. Hiromichi Morishita, Deputy Director of JICA, commented on the 40th anniversary of diplomacy and remarkable presence of Ehime University as well as challenges of Lurio University and our collaboration programs.
<International Partnership Support Division>