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JICA Youth Training Program “Agriculture and Rural Development C” for FY2024 [November 27 (Wed.) – December 11 (Wed.), 2024

From November 27 (Wed.) to December 11 (Wed.), 2024, JICA Youth Training Program “Agriculture and Rural Development C” was conducted at the Institute for International Relations.

This year, seven trainees from five French-speaking countries in Africa were accepted to Ehime University for a training program that included face-to-face lectures, site visits, and discussions. The trainees participated in classroom lectures at Ehime University, visited sites in Yawatahama City, Uchiko Town, and Koiijima Island, and learned about successful examples of food value chains*, sixth industrialization, branding, and product development related to agriculture in Ehime Prefecture through observation, experience, lectures, questions, and discussions. In conducting these training programs, we received the cooperation of government agencies, companies, organizations, and farmers involved in agriculture in Ehime Prefecture.

The realization of the training program in Japan was very meaningful for the trainees. Compared to last year’s reception from Central and South America, the African trainees, who are considered to be even more remote from Japan, were also able to experience Japanese culture and traditions, which provided them with an opportunity to learn more about Japan.

Based on the experience and knowledge gained through the training, the trainees created specific activity plans that are achievable in their home countries, and had active discussions with Ehime University faculty members, which also helped to further enhance the effectiveness and feasibility of the activity plans. It is expected that they will put their activity plans into practice in their home countries and contribute to the development of agriculture and rural areas in their respective countries.

The Institute for International Relations will continue to strengthen its ties with JICA and other international organizations to promote international cooperation and contributions.

※Food value chain: The linkage of added value generated in the distribution process from production to consumption related to agricultural, forestry, fisheries, and fishery products and foods.

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