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International Student Homestay Program in Iyo City [December 6 (Fri.)-8 (Sun.), 2011

Four international students from Ehime University (from Colombia, Nigeria, Pakistan, and the Philippines) experienced a homestay in Iyo City from December 6 (Friday) to December 8 (Sunday), 2024. This homestay program is conducted annually by the Institute for International Relations to promote mutual exchange in the region and to give international students a deeper understanding of Ehime. In order to further strengthen exchange between international students and local people and communities, visits to local elementary schools are also made during the homestay.

On Friday, December 6, we visited Iyo City Sareya Elementary School in the morning and Iyo City Nakayama Elementary School in the afternoon. At Sareya Elementary School, during the second and third periods, we introduced our respective countries in Japanese and answered questions from the elementary school students. During recess, the students taught them how to play Japanese games such as Kendama. During the fifth and sixth periods, the students introduced their home countries in Japanese and answered questions from the students. They also introduced games and other activities from their home countries to deepen exchanges with the elementary school students.

When the students met their host families after their school visit, they greeted each other in Japanese with nervous faces, but when they returned home two days later, they were sad to say goodbye to their “Japanese families. In Japanese class after the homestay, they wrote thank you letters and emails in Japanese for the first time and sent them to their elementary school and host families.

This is the 33rd time that the Institute for International Relations has held this event. Each time the event is held in a different region of the prefecture, and with the cooperation of everyone involved, the content is tailored to the unique characteristics of each region. The relationships formed through these events have expanded, and networks between the Institute for International Relations and other regions are now being formed. We hope to continue this event in the future to further expand the circle of exchange.

Last but not least, we would like to thank Iyo City Hall, Iyo City Board of Education, Iyo City Sareya Elementary School, and Iyo City Nakayama Elementary School for their great cooperation throughout the entire event. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all of them.

<nternational Relations Office>