On Friday, September 20, 2024, a presentation of the results of the “SDGs and Business Solutions for International and Japanese Students Together” class was held in Room M22 on the 2nd floor of Ai University Muse, attended by 25 participants, including program students, companies, faculty and staff, and other online participants.
This class is part of the “Global Human Resource Development Program for Ehime Universities and Companies” implemented by the Institute for International Relations, in which international students, Japanese students, employees of two companies in Ehime (Sanyo Bussan Corporation and Hagio Machinery Industry Co. and internship to explore solutions to SDGs issues at companies.
In the class held from July to September, each team of students examined solutions to SDG issues that companies had found through internships at their workplaces, and presented their solutions at this year’s results presentation.
One corporate participant commented, “I was reminded once again that the positivity, enthusiasm, and optimism of foreign students is something we Japanese have forgotten. It also energized our company and made us realize the necessity of English” and “the hurdle for hiring foreigners has been lowered” were some of the comments. Students also commented, “This internship allowed me to grow a lot as a person in terms of accepting differences. The participants were from various countries, which gave me a valuable opportunity to interact with them from diverse perspectives,” and “I learned that the way of thinking and feeling about the same thing differs between Japan and other countries. I learned that the way of thinking and feeling about the same thing differs between Japan and other countries. Through talking with foreign students, I was able to learn about the differences between Japan and other countries in terms of religion, food, and other aspects of daily life.
Despite the differences in language and culture, understanding and respecting each other’s differences, and working together to prepare group work and presentations, the participants learned the importance of accepting different cultures and values, which made for a better internship.
We would like to thank all the companies that participated over a long period of time, and RUMPRO will continue its efforts to promote internationalization and diversity and inclusion in organizations and regions through job placement support for international students.

<Institute for International Relations, Office of Job Placement Program for International Students