On Tuesday, September 10, 2024, a completion ceremony was held for theIntensive Japanese Language Course for the first semester of the 2024 academic year. This course is designed for Japanese government Scholarship international students to study Japanese language intensively.
One student who enrolled in this course in April 2024(see below) completed the program.? After receiving a certificate of completion from Professor Takahashi Shino of the Institute for International Relations, the student presented the results of his studies. Under the title of “From the Dominican Republic to Japan,” the student gave an impressive presentation in Japanese on an overview of the Dominican Republic, the relationship between the Dominican Republic and Japan, including the Japanese and Dominican community, and his changes before and after his study in Japan, which was received with thunderous applause from those present.
In addition to their academic advisors and Japanese language instructors from the Institute for International Relations, the?host family who took care of the student during his homestay in June and J-support (a volunteer organization that supports international students in their Japanese language studies) also attended this completion ceremony.
The student said, “I was very nervous to give a presentation in front of so many people. I am glad that I was able to show the results of my studies. I will start my research in the future, but I will definitely continue my Japanese language studies as well.
The student will begin his studies in his field of specialization next semester.
Students who completed the Intensive Japanese Language Course in the first semester of 2024
Cuello Savinon Rafael Ulises, Faculty of Agriculture, Dominican Republic

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