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About Concurrent Work

About Requests for Concurrent Work

Under the University’s employment regulations, faculty members are required to obtain permission from the President of the University before engaging in dual employment (work outside the duties of the University) after confirming the nature of their duties and other details.

Permit Criteria

Permission is granted to the extent that publicity, fairness, reliability, and social contribution are ensured, and to the extent that it does not interfere with the performance of duties as a faculty member.

Therefore, if you wish to request a TUAT faculty member to hold a concurrent position, please follow the instructions below.

How to Request

Requests for faculty members to serve concurrently should be sent to the President of the University in a written request (addressed to the President) with the following required information. If the term of appointment exceeds two years, please also attach a document (committee rules, etc.) specifying the term of appointment under the University’s regulations (up to four years).


  1. Name of the person commissioned, faculty affiliation, title, and name of the person
  2. commissioned officer’s title
  3. Duties, etc.
  4. Term of appointment (If the regulations do not specify a term of appointment, acceptance will be for a period of up to two years.)
  5. Working conditions Please state specifically: ____ hours per time period, ____ hours per time period, ____ hours per time period, ____ hours per time period, ____ hours per time period, and ____ hours per time period.
  6. Remuneration (if any, unit price)
  7. (If you require a written response, please enclose a self-addressed, self-addressed envelope.)
  8. Location of the organization, contact person, and contact information


  • In order to simplify administrative procedures, in principle, we will omit sending a written response. If you need a written response, please enclose a self-addressed envelope with your request.
  • Please be sure to send the request document well in advance. Please note that in the event of a delay in receiving a request from your institution, the start date of the request may be set as the date of approval by the University.
  • We would appreciate it if you could write in red “Request for concurrent employment enclosed” on the front of the envelope when you send it to us.

Mailing address and contact information

Contact Labor Relations Team, Personnel Division, General Affairs Department, Ehime University National University Corporation
address (e.g. of house) 10-13 Dogohimata, Matsuyama City, Ehime 790-8577, Japan
Tel. 089-927-9032
Fax 089-927-9027
Contact Staff Team, Personnel and Labor Relations Division, Faculty of Medicine, Ehime University National University Corporation
address (e.g. of house) Shizugawa, Toon-shi, Ehime 791-0295
Tel. 089-960-5129
Fax 089-960-5034
Contact General Affairs Team, Administrative Division, Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime University
address (e.g. of house) 3-5-7, Tarumi 3-chome, Matsuyama, Ehime 790-8566, Japan
Tel. 089-946-9803
Fax 089-977-4364