University partnership activities (university information sessions, visiting lectures, university visits)
High school-university cooperative activities are educational activities conducted in cooperation between high schools and universities. At Ehime University, each department offers a variety of mock lectures and information sessions for high school students and others. By exposing high school students to university-level studies, they are able to deepen their understanding of their field of interest and gain a thorough understanding of the characteristics of the department they wish to enter, which is expected to help them in their career choices.

On the other hand, the university learns about high school education and understands the current situation, which is useful for improving educational methods, curriculum, and other aspects. In addition, the university’s high school-university cooperative activities, which promote the creation of a university closely connected to the local community, also have the aspect of contributing to the community and society.
Ehime University Initiatives
Ehime University has concluded an “Agreement on High School-University Cooperation Cooperation” with the Ehime Prefectural Board of Education.
With the conclusion of this agreement, the University has expanded its “visiting lecture” program as part of the “High School-University Collaboration Program.” Faculty members from the University visit high schools and other institutions to give “mock classes” introducing various aspects of the University’s research.
For the time being, the following measures regarding on-site lectures, university information sessions, and university visits will be taken to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus.
University Information Session
Ehime University faculty members will visit high schools to explain about Ehime University, its faculties (departments, etc.), student life, and the entrance examination system.
*Personal explanations can be provided while taking thorough measures to protect against infection. However, remote explanations may also be provided.
lecture on a trip
Our faculty members will visit high schools and other institutions to conduct mock classes to introduce university-level academics and diverse aspects of research. Please select the lecture you wish to attend from the list of lectures listed below.
*Face-to-face lectures can be held while taking thorough measures to prevent infection. However, remote lectures may be conducted.
University Visit
Schools are invited to visit Ehime University for an overview of the university, explanation of its faculties, mock classes, facility tours, etc. High school teachers and PTAs are also welcome to visit Ehime University.
*Visits may be accepted only if thorough infection control measures can be taken. However, we limit some of the acceptable programs and may conduct remote lectures or conduct remote explanations.
Regarding the partial cancellation of the program to visit Ehime University
The following university visit programs are currently suspended.
<Programs that we will not implement in principle>
Undergraduate Facility Observations (especially those that are triple-crowded during the visit)
Campus tours and student life introductions by students
Library tour
Museum tours for groups of 11 or more
Other infection-preventing programs that are difficult to implement
How to apply
Acceptance period: Up to 2 months prior to the desired date in principle
How to request: Download the application form below, fill it out and submit it as a Word file by e-mail to the address below.
*Please use the following as the subject line when sending the application.
[Request] University Information Session (XXX Prefectural XXXX High School)
[Request] Lecture (XX private high school in XX prefecture) on XX day
[Request] University visit ( XX private high school in XX prefecture) on XX day
*Also, the name of the Word file to be sent should be as follows
Application Form for College Information Session on XXXXXX (XXX High School) on XXXX, 20XX
Application Form for Lecture on Business Trip to XXXX High School on XXXX XXXX, 20XX
Application Form for University Visit on XX XX, 20XX (XXX High School)
- Lecture topics in 2022
(For implementation from April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023)
[Summary of each lecture (by faculty)].
- Application Forms
matters that require attention
- In the case of university information sessions and lectures outside Ehime Prefecture, as a general rule, transportation expenses for lecturers (including Shinkansen and limited express train fares, if available, and cab fares from the nearest station), as well as the following expenses The client is responsible only for lodging expenses (excluding daily allowance) in the event that lodging is required. No gratuities are paid. The specific amount and payment method will be discussed on a case-by-case basis. We do not charge for transportation and gratuities if the accommodation is provided in Ehime Prefecture. As a rule, we do not accept applications for on-site lectures or university visits from intermediaries such as vendors.
- We usually hold an open campus event in early August to introduce the university and its faculties, give mock classes, and explain entrance examinations. If you wish to attend similar events, please use this one whenever possible.
- In order to make effective use of the on-site lectures and to make the best use of them for future improvement, we ask for your cooperation in filling out the prescribed questionnaire to be sent by the Admissions Office after the lecture is given. We also request that high schools send us their own written impressions of the lecture. You may also send it as an attachment to an e-mail.
Contact for applications for university information sessions, on-site lectures, and university visits
Admissions Division, Education and Student Support Department, Ehime University
Address: 3 Bunkyo-cho, Matsuyama City, 790-8577, Japan
Tel 089-927-8106
Fax 089-927-9180
Ehime University continues to support and cooperate with Matsuyama Minami Senior High School and Uwajima Higashi Senior High School, which are designated as “Super Science High Schools (SSH)” by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, by offering classes and experiments in cutting-edge fields and by providing opportunities to visit their laboratories.
Similarly, the university provides support to Matsuyama Higashi High School and Uwajima Minami Secondary School, which are designated as “Super Global High Schools (SGH),” by providing ongoing advice to students on their research projects and conducting joint research on evaluation methods. We are cooperating with them.