Volunteer Activities
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Volunteer Activities
One of the things I would like you to experience during your college years is volunteering. Volunteering is a voluntary activity and is neither mandatory nor compulsory. It is something to think, think, and act on one’s own free will. However, it is not for one’s own benefit, but for altruism, and the activities and objectives must be open to society.
Volunteering allows students to experience many things that cannot be learned in the classroom alone through a wide range of activities, including education, culture, sports, international exchange, and environmental issues. Making use of yourself for the benefit of others will help you build yourself and make friends. We encourage you to actively participate.
Ehime University Student Campus Volunteers (SCV)
Ehime University University Student Campus Volunteers (SCVs) are Ehime University volunteer staff whose purpose is to help students solve student problems with the support of faculty and administrative staff. It is also an educational initiative in which the university supports the further development of support activities among students. The main purpose of SCV is to enhance the ability of students to “teach, learn, and help each other” through support activities not only for students with disabilities and international students, but also for high school students and new students, and to support their studies and daily lives. The company is engaged in a variety of activities.
For more information on each SCV organization, please visit the original website
- Library Supporter (LC)
- Volunteer Support for Students with Disabilities (CBP)
- Ehime University Student Mentors (ESMO)
- Volunteer Coordinator (AIVO)
- International Coordinator (ICO)
- ECO Campus Supporter (ECS)
- Carrier and Servant Team (CAST)
- Media Supporter Publications Department (MSPT)
- Media Supporter Video Department (MSBT)

Student Volunteer Support Center (SVSS)
In order to centralize information on support for the areas affected by the torrential rain in July 2008 and to facilitate volunteer activities, the Student Campus Volunteers (SCV), along with the Ehime University School, Ehime University Leaders Club, and other volunteer students, joined together to form the “Student Volunteer Support Center (SVSS) was established. The center called for participation in disaster volunteer activities and conducted a questionnaire survey of students and faculty who had participated in volunteer activities, and compiled the information. Based on the results, a “Disaster Volunteer Handbook” was compiled to provide information on volunteer preparation and activities.
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