Ehime University Competency
In July 2012, the Education and Research Council of Ehime University adopted the “Ehime University Competencies Standards for Students (EUCS-S)” (hereinafter referred to as “Competencies for Students at Ehime University”). Competencies”).
Competency is a behavioral trait possessed by high achievers. The “Ehime University Competencies” are based on the “Five Competencies” stated in the Ehime University Charter, and represent the competencies that students of Ehime University are expected to have at the time of graduation, regardless of the faculty from which they enter or graduate.
Unlike the Diploma Policy (DP), which is an achievement goal, this is a directional goal (direction to aim for) for the students of the University, and the faculty and staff of the University will be actively involved in helping students acquire the specific abilities listed in the components of the “University of Love Competencies”.
*Commentary by the director and vice president (in charge of education) at the time of enactment (published in the Journal of University Education and Practice No. 11 (March 2013), p. 1-10)
Characteristics of Ai University Student Competency
- Clarify student competencies on a university-wide scale and position them as a guideline for formulating strategies for future educational reform and for the university’s educational and student support activities.
- Clarifies the three places where competencies are developed: formal education, semi-formal education, and extra-formal activities, and specifies that all faculty and staff are involved.
- While encompassing the points pointed out inside and outside the university, such as the Undergraduate DP and Bachelor Power, it also includes the university’s unique components, such as “IV. The ability to live as an independent individual” and “V. Two abilities, “the ability to live as a member of an organization and society,” have been established.

Admission Policy (AP ), Curriculum Policy (CP), and Diploma Policy (DP)
About “Common Education Courses
Basic Skills for Bachelor’s Degree in Common Education at Ehime University
About “Quasi-Formal Education
I. Ability to appropriately apply knowledge and skills
This ability is expressed as a total intellectual ability that includes not only acquiring and memorizing knowledge and skills, but also organizing them, relating them within oneself, and expressing them appropriately (writing and oral expression).
Specific Skills 1] Able to collect and organize necessary information.
It is the ability to collect and organize materials of knowledge by reading necessary literature and materials, conducting experiments, surveys, and observations. With the spread of the Internet, it has become easier to collect information. On the other hand, it is necessary to acquire the ability to collect accurate, high quality information from the vast amount of information available. By organizing the collected information properly, it can be used in a variety of situations.
[Specific Ability 2] Ability to acquire individual knowledge and skills while relating them to each other.
Students are expected to be able to relate the information they have collected and organized, the knowledge they have gained through classes, and the skills they have acquired to each other, and to be able to use them in accordance with the situation. Simply conducting experiments, practical training, surveys, observations, and literature reading on a piecemeal basis does not mean that students have truly acquired knowledge and skills. It can be said that one has mastered knowledge and skills only when he or she can relate what he or she has learned to each other and systematize it as much as possible.
Specific Ability 3] Ability to construct one’s own thoughts based on acquired knowledge and skills and express them appropriately (written and oral).
You can say that the knowledge and skills you have acquired are truly yours when you are able to systematize them in your mind and express them appropriately. If you understand something but cannot express it, you do not truly understand it. You need to be able to formulate a logical line of reasoning based on the knowledge you have acquired and express it in an appropriate manner that is easy for others to understand. When you are able to acquire this ability, you can say that you have integrated the results of your study.
II Ability to think and judge logically
This ability is expressed as the totality of cognitive abilities, including the stages of always thinking critically and creatively, discovering one’s own issues, and proposing solutions, rather than just accepting acquired knowledge as is.
[Specific Ability 4] Ability to analyze and interpret based on a broad perspective and logical thinking.
(e.g., critical thinking/creative thinking)
Collect and organize a variety of information, relate it to each other, think logically from a broad perspective, and analyze and interpret the subject matter. This ability works in unison with the operation of knowledge and skills. For example, critical thinking means to consider a subject from multiple perspectives and think logically based on objective evidence, while also taking into account existing academic knowledge systems and frameworks. By acquiring these skills, you will be able to convince others.
[Specific Ability 5] Able to make judgments and offer solutions based on objective evidence.
(e.g., decision-making and judgment/problem exploration, discovery, and solution)
In academic research as well as in social life, we are constantly called upon to make decisions and to exercise good judgment. And in order to live as independent individuals, we must properly recognize the basis for our decisions and show that they are objectively justified. To do this, we must have the ability to correctly recognize our own situation, find out the issues therein, and come up with measures to solve those issues.
III Ability to communicate with diverse people
This ability is expressed as the totality of communication skills, such as conducting appropriate dialogues and discussions in response to various situations (situations and partners), and cooperating and exercising leadership to achieve objectives.
[Specific Ability 6] Ability to engage in appropriate dialogue and discussion in a variety of situations.
(e.g., dialogues/discussions/presentations)
In today’s globalized society, it has become commonplace for people of various cultural backgrounds to work together in teams to solve problems. In order to respond flexibly to such situations, students are required not only to acquire communication skills in the narrow sense, such as accurate use of Japanese and foreign languages and business manners, but also to acquire the ability to use knowledge, thinking, and judgment, and to engage in appropriate dialogue and discussion.
Specific Ability 7] Ability to collaborate with diverse people to achieve objectives
(e.g., collaboration/teamwork/leadership)
In order for each individual to realize his or her own self, it is necessary to cooperate with many people, collaborate with each other, form teams, and exercise leadership with each other as appropriate to achieve goals. These skills cannot be acquired from a desk. It is necessary to actually form a team with diverse members, engage in various activities within that team, and accumulate a lot of experience in achieving objectives while demonstrating the power of dialogue, discussion, and teamwork.
IV Ability to live as an independent individual
This ability is expressed in the establishment of identity, such as understanding one’s own personality and aptitude by reflecting on what one has experienced and learned, and acting to make the most of it while adjusting it in social relationships.
Specific Strength 8] Ability to act on one’s own personality and aptitude.
(e.g., self-understanding/self-determination/reflection)
In order for each individual to realize his or her own self, it is important to first fully understand his or her own individuality and aptitude within the social context in which he or she finds himself or herself. Then, they make decisions about what they can do, what they want to do, and what they should do. The most important activity for this is “reflection. Reflecting on one’s own experiences and what one has learned promotes a deep understanding of oneself, and with this as the core, it becomes possible to act proactively.
[Specific Ability 9] Able to adjust one’s behavior in social relationships.
(e.g., adaptability/self-management/adherence to norms)
This power is paired with the Concrete Power 8. It is not enough to acquire the ability to identify and act on one’s own personality and aptitudes. People are social beings and must maximize their abilities in their relationships with society (others). Society has various rules and restrictions, and the same is true of the organizations and groups to which one belongs. Within the limited resources and constraints, one must comply and adapt to the rules of the organization to which he or she belongs, and adjust his or her behavior accordingly.
V. Ability to live as a member of an organization or society
This ability is expressed as the totality of one’s mindset toward social contribution, including the desire to use one’s knowledge, skills, and aptitude for the benefit of others, the organization, and society, the ability to actually act and make use of such knowledge, skills, and aptitude, and the feeling of pride in such actions.
[Specific Strength 10] Understand others and be useful to them.
(e.g., the spirit of “hospitality” / hospitality)
To live as a member of an organization or society, we must first understand the people we live with as its members and help each other. Then, it is important not only to understand ourselves and others, but also to think about what we can do to help others and take action. Ehime is a place with a tradition of “entertaining” pilgrims. We are expected to acquire the mind and practical ability to act for the happiness of others, even if it is a small thing.
[Specific Ability 11] Able to act with awareness and pride as a member of a group or organization.
(e.g., sense of responsibility / solidarity / sense of belonging / school spirit)
A group or organization functions only when each member acts with responsibility and awareness and fulfills his or her role. We identify issues, devise solutions, and put them into action by grasping the situation based on evidence, and through dialogue and collaboration with others. By doing so, we can improve the group or organization to which we belong. As a result, you will be proud of the society and organization to which you belong, and of yourself for belonging to it.
Specific Skills 12] Ability to consider local, national, and international issues on one’s own and take action to solve them.
(e.g., social participation/social contribution/glocal mindset)
It is a reiteration of the role that humans as social beings should play in today’s society. There are various challenges in the community, at home and abroad. We must face such challenges, think broadly and deeply, and do the best we can in our own way to resolve them. By acquiring such aspirations and capabilities, we will be able to perform at our best in any region and society.