This page is translated using machine translation. Please note that the content may not be 100% accurate.

About Text-To-Speech

Support for Text-To-Speech Software

Ehime University’s website strives to create pages that take into account speech-reading software.

Guidelines for Creating a Web Site

Ehime University’s website is a W3C compliant website.
compliant means that the World Wide Web Consortium, a non-profit organization that promotes global standardization of various technologies for website production, has adopted the W3C standard. The standard for website production. By using W3C-compliant Web sites, it is possible to “support various Internet browser environments,” “manage font size,” and “take into account voice reading software.

2. For images that are necessary to understand the content of the page, we will provide alternative text to convey the meaning of the image.

3. When using tables for layout purposes, consideration will be given to the order in which they are read by the speechreading software.

4. We will take care not to use model-dependent characters that are inappropriate for reading out loud.

5. We will take care to use kana notation for terms that would be inappropriate for reading out loud with symbols.

*Note: Although we have created the website based on the above guidelines, due to the layout, some of the order in which the tables are read out may not be compatible, or may not be read out properly by some reading software. Please understand this.

What is Text-To-Speech Software?

Text-to-speech software is software that helps the blind and visually impaired browse websites by keyboard operation and other means. Text-to-speech software makes it possible to read aloud text and images on a website. Details of typical software programs can be viewed at the following sites